当涉及到职业发展时,一个好的咒语可以是: 分享财富!
这个简单的格言适用于分享, 合作, 并以这些知识为基础, 经验, 还有你所在领域值得信赖的专家传授的智慧. One of the most important 和 proven aspects of modern workplace satisfaction 和 development lies within the mentor/mentee relationship. 在一个 2019年职场幸福感调查 来自CNBC/Survey Monkey, 九成 10 employees who have a mentor said they were satisfied with their jobs. In the same report, 89% of workers with mentors claimed that their colleagues value their work. 通过传承最佳实践, 深思熟虑的建议, 经验教训和其他宝贵的建议, both mentors 和 mentees can feel valued in their work 和 enriched by the 经验.
如果做得正确——也就是说,有清晰的目标和想法——师徒关系可以是一个 富有成果的, enriching relationship with lasting effects for both the mentee 和 the mentor. But like any relationship, the value is determined by the people involved. 没有人愿意浪费时间, 单方面关系上的精力或资源, 也没有人想被利用或被忽视.
One of the best ways to check if you are ready to become a mentor is to give thoughtful consideration to the P.R.I.C.E. 成功模式这是Herzing大学生活的一个基本方面. 运用这五个支柱——专业精神, 尊重, 完整性, 关心和参与——作为一个框架, a prospective mentor can ensure the best 经验 for both parties.
- 专业: Mentors should always be professional in their interactions with their mentees. 这意味着要遵守约定, 守时可靠, 提供批判性和深思熟虑的反馈和讨论, 尊重学员的观点和计划.
- 尊重: 导师会在任何时候都尊重他们的学员, 认识到他们独特的经历, 观点和背景. A mentor is not dictating the course but supporting the mentee as they navigate their career path.
- 完整性: 通过树立诚实待人的标准, 问责制, 道德行为, you demonstrate to your mentee how to carry yourself with integrity, 什么对职业和个人都很重要.
- 关怀: 就像软件下载小时候学到的那样, caring for others 和 showing kindness is one of the greatest gifts of our humanity. Showing that you care about the successes 和 challenges of your peers 和 your community will make you a better resource 和 leader.
- 订婚一位敬业的导师参与其中, actively participating 和 supporting the mentee in both accomplishments 和 challenges.
最重要的是, 要认识到导师不是单方面的权力动态, 而是同事之间的对话, 双方如何从相互尊重中获益, 分享知识, 一起提问和解决问题.
作为导师, 你可以重新发现对事业的热情, 获得新的见解和观点, 发展新技能,提高现有技能, 比如沟通和领导能力. 最重要的是, being a mentor can build 和 bolster a positive work environment, 帮助创造一种尊重的氛围, 成长和合作——谁不想在其中工作呢?
P开头.R.I.C.E. 模型作为你的指导原则, you should use the following actionable items to create a collaborative 和 supportive atmosphere for growth 和 留下持久的积极印象 你的学员.
- 了解自己: Take some time to reflect on your own 经验s 和 which individuals have helped shape who you are. 也许是教练或老师, a neighbor or classmate—consider what qualities 和 behaviors stuck with you, 为什么.
- 积极参与和沟通: 一个有效的导师会认真倾听他们的学员, asks questions 和 responds with thoughtful consideration so that they can fully underst和 the mentee's goals, 担忧, 和挑战,并提供有效的指导和支持.
- 做支持者,而不是领导者; The mentor/mentee relationship is about offering guidance to the mentee’s career—they are the lead in this scene, 你们是配角. 注意你是如何给出方向的, being prompted for advice 和 affecting the conversation with your 年龄nda.
- 创造一个做自己的空间: People are more likely to flourish if they feel comfortable sharing their goals, 公开提问和关注, which is why building an authentic relationship based on trust is so important.
- 成为标准: Mentors should set the bar high 和 be a constant positive example. 这意味着要展示出强大的领导能力, 敬业的职业道德, empathy 和 fair judgment 和 a commitment to continual learning.
Because mentorship is about building your professional perspective, there is no 年龄 limit to the relationship—all 经验 can be valuable if you learn from it. 近代史上第一次, 整整五代人都是劳动力 at the same time, which means there are so many distinct lessons 和 经验s to learn from. 拥有一个多元化和敬业的团队 支持者名册 across different demographics 和 backgrounds is integral to broadening viewpoints 和 learning the lessons you never knew you needed to know.
If you’re ready to share the wealth of your career journey by becoming a mentor or want to find someone to help you on your career journey, 赫京大学职业发展服务中心 team can offer a wide range of resources for current 和 prospective students as well as recent 和 returning graduates 和 alumni, 包括网络, 指导计划和职业支持.
*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.